drukomat® plus - the new range
flow diagram:
- Condensate feed is possible both under pressure and
pressureless The condensate is feed from the compressor,or the tank, or the dryer if possible with pressure. (4 connections R 1/2´´)
- Chamber for expansions and de-airation with charcoal
filter to exhaust air This expansion and de-airation chamber assures a chalm surface in the separator, even if the condensate is fed under pressure. The activated charcoal filter eleminates the oil from the exhaust air.
- Collecting chamber
Here a first force of gravity separation of oil and water occurs.
- NEW: preko-Filter - selfcleaning
- Setting and floating chamber
- End stage filter
- Water discharge
The remaning oil content of the water discharged is less than 10 mg/ltr. if the equipment is correctly dimensioned. This water can be discharged directly into the sewers.
- Test valve
The test valve permits very simply to take discharge water samples.
- Oil-collect tank with overflow safe-guard
- Testset
Check-glass and oil-test-paper to control the condensate easily. (Regular control through the operator)
- Document department
Opersating instructions as weil as the "Check- and Maintanence Book" are at the fingertips at all times.
- Level- / Filter-control (optional)
a) level-switch with powerless contact b) complete batery charged unit with signal-light and contact for remote control.
- Heater (optional)

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